This miniramp combination is the third version of the skateramps at this square, Museumplein 3.0. This fifteen meter wide steel miniramp has a spine, an extension, an escalator and a speedbump making it one of the most versatile miniramps of the Netherlands.
The coping gets waxed a lot and you might want to sweep the ramps before you start shredding: there’s a lot of stones & dust that will send you flying in ways you’re not looking for. The lovely Cobra ladies will give you their broom if you ask nicely so you can clean the ramps and have a fun little miniramp session.

Museumplein miniramp 740

Museum miniramps

First there were the miniramp & vertramp of the Powell warehouse in 1998 which in time had to be replaced. They were replaced by a nightmare of a steel ramp that featured some lovely oververt and poor construction.